Kindergarten P.E.T.S. – Updated


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See more videos, webinars, and loads of other information about the PETS Series at

Now Includes the Entire book  (as a printable .pdf – using a download code)

* is engaging, informative, and fun for ALL students!
* is a systematized enrichment and diagnostic thinking skills program suitable for Kindergarten that introduces students to different ways of thinking.
* is aligned to the higher levels of Bloom’s Taxonomy, presenting lessons in convergent analysis, divergent synthesis, and evaluation.
* includes 2 whole group lessons for each thinking component and an additional small group lesson for high level thinkers
* includes in the 4 Resources & Extension Sections Tiered Question Q’ubes™ for each of the kinds of questions with any book
* correlates with the components of multiple intelligences
* provides opportunities for learners with different thinking strengths to shine.
* provides diagnostic checklists for building behavioral portfolios on talented young learners that support a differentiated approach to their education.
* can be used as a precursor to the primary P.E.T.S.™ program with Dudley the Detective, Isabel the Inventor, Sybil the Scientist, Yolanda the Yarnspinner, Max the Magician, and Jordan the Judge.

As you follow the program, ask your librarian to have these books available to read to your students and then follow up with the Whole Group and Small Group Lessons and extension activities:

Ten Black Dots
Curious George’s ABCs
How Will We Get to the Beach?
Brown Bear, Brown Bear, What Do You See?
Seven Blind Mice
When A Line Bends, A Shape Begins
Can I Have a Stegosaurus, Mom? Can I?
The Little Mouse, the Red Ripe Strawberry, and the Big Hungry Bear

The following literature guides can be used in conjunction with our Kindergarten P.E.T.S. ™ Book. All of the books are mentioned as the main books for activities or as books used for extension activities.

Divergent/Creative Thinking

Things That Are Most in the World

In a Small, Small Pond

One Mitten

Three Pebbles and a Song

Benny’s Hat

Evaluative Thinking

Can I have a Stegosaurus, Mom? Can I? Please!?

Trial of Cardigan Jones

Convergent Thinking

How Will We Get To the Beach?

Visual Thinking

Seven Blind Mice

See more videos on the P.E.T.S. Series at

Sample Pages


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