E-Book – How Can I Stand Up for Myself?


Each and every day teens are faced with situations in which they either hide away from the confrontation or they stand up and express their views without disrespecting other people. Standing up for yourself is a crucial life skill to learn. Being unassertive, and a people pleaser, can end up with them being used and manipulated. It is important to remind teens that standing up for themselves can be really challenging if they are used to letting others have their way or if they are a people pleaser. Many teens worry how others will view them when they say no. They do not want to be viewed as lazy, uncaring, selfish or narcissistic. They do not want to be disliked and cut from friends and family members.

How Can I Stand Up for Myself?


Each and every day teens are faced with situations in which they either hide away from the confrontation or they stand up and express their views without disrespecting other people. Standing up for yourself is a crucial life skill to learn. Being unassertive, and a people pleaser, can end up with them being used and manipulated. It is important to remind teens that standing up for themselves can be really challenging if they are used to letting others have their way or if they are a people pleaser. Many teens worry how others will view them when they say no. They do not want to be viewed as lazy, uncaring, selfish or narcissistic. They do not want to be disliked and cut from friends and family members.

E-Book – What’s The Courage of Convictions All About?


Steadfast courage of personal convictions is one of the most important traits a teen can develop in today’s fast-paced world. Personal convictions reveal your own strength of character and your strong beliefs about people and society, injustices in the world, and life in general. If you have a strong conviction about the way life is and how it should be lived, you will be more likely to be courageous in the face of peer pressure. You will be more likely to stand up and fight for what you think is right. The most courageous teens in life are that way because they defend their strong convictions about what is right and what is wrong.

What’s The Courage of Convictions All About?


Steadfast courage of personal convictions is one of the most important traits a teen can develop in today’s fast-paced world. Personal convictions reveal your own strength of character and your strong beliefs about people and society, injustices in the world, and life in general. If you have a strong conviction about the way life is and how it should be lived, you will be more likely to be courageous in the face of peer pressure. You will be more likely to stand up and fight for what you think is right. The most courageous teens in life are that way because they defend their strong convictions about what is right and what is wrong.

E-Book – Can I Disagree Without Being Disagreeable?


Disagreements are inevitable, normal, and healthy events in one’s relationship with other people. People disagree with one another at home, in school, at work, while volunteering, and in personal relationships. There is no such thing as a life of agreeing with everything others say or do. This can be a challenge for people who find it difficult to be assertive (open, honest, and direct without being angry or aggressive). Disagreeing can risk disapproval from others. If one is drawn into a disagreement, one needs to know how to disagree without being disagreeable.

Can I Disagree Without Being Disagreeable?


Disagreements are inevitable, normal, and healthy events in one’s relationship with other people. People disagree with one another at home, in school, at work, while volunteering, and in personal relationships. There is no such thing as a life of agreeing with everything others say or do. This can be a challenge for people who find it difficult to be assertive (open, honest, and direct without being angry or aggressive). Disagreeing can risk disapproval from others. If one is drawn into a disagreement, one needs to know how to disagree without being disagreeable.

Helping Young People Cope


Everyone is struggling during this pandemic, especially our young people. This new book is for teachers, counselors, parents, and anyone supporting young people and teens. The book has five chapters with ten activity handouts per chapter. Chapters include Physical and Emotional Health, Safety, Money, Media, and Coping and each chapter has reproducible activity pages to use with an individual, class, or group.

Go the Extra SMILE!


Go the Extra Smile is a must-have resource for teachers seeking motivational ideas and innovative lessons that can be implemented right away. This book is packed with practical ways to create a positive environment that kids will love to learn in.  From strengthening your home-school connections to encouraging kids to take creative risks, you are sure to find something to add to your bag of tricks for a successful school year.


Social & Emotional Gifted Teen Series (7 Books)

Original price was: $174.65.Current price is: $148.47.

The Gratitude Workbook for Gifted and Talented Teens contains five separate modules of activity-based handouts that will help teens learn more about themselves. They will learn how to develop a grateful attitude and begin to express gratitude for the people and things in their lives. These modules serve as avenues for self-reflection and group experiences revolving around topics of importance. The activities in this workbook are user-friendly and varied to provide a comprehensive way of analyzing, strengthening, and developing characteristics, skills, and attitudes for inspiring gratitude. Everything in this workbook is completely reproducible and can be photocopied and/or revised for direct student use.

Gratitude Workbook for G/T Teens


The Gratitude Workbook for Gifted and Talented Teens contains five separate modules of activity-based handouts that will help teens learn more about themselves. They will learn how to develop a grateful attitude and begin to express gratitude for the people and things in their lives. These modules serve as avenues for self-reflection and group experiences revolving around topics of importance. The activities in this workbook are user-friendly and varied to provide a comprehensive way of analyzing, strengthening, and developing characteristics, skills, and attitudes for inspiring gratitude. Everything in this workbook is completely reproducible and can be photocopied and/or revised for direct student use.

Social Skills Workbook for G/T Teens


The Social Skills Workbook for Gifted and Talented Teens  contains five separate modules of activity-based handouts that will help teens learn more about themselves and learn how to develop effective social skills. These modules serve as avenues for self-reflection and group experiences revolving around topics of importance. The activities in this workbook are user-friendly and varied to provide a comprehensive way of analyzing, strengthening, and developing characteristics, skills, and attitudes for inspiring motivation.

Stress Workbook for G/T Teens


The Stress Workbook for Gifted and Talented Teens contains five separate modules of activity-based handouts that will help teens learn more about themselves while learning to cope more effectively with stress in their lives. These modules serve as avenues for self-reflection and group experiences revolving around topics of importance. The activities in this workbook are user-friendly and varied to provide a comprehensive way of exploring, understanding, and dealing with a variety of stressors experienced by gifted and talented teens.