90 Instructional Strategies for the Classroom


987 in stock


90 activities, games, and puzzles engage students in speaking, listening, reading, writing, and the use of language conventions – spelling, sentence structure, and punctuation. Use the strategy as is or adapt the strategy for a particular subject or theme. Students use critical thinking skills to research and analyze information, compare and contrast, solve problems and evaluate solutions in these brain-compatible activities – Venn Again, PMI, Classifier, Logic Puzzles, Paired Problem Solving, Mystery Messages. Other activities – SCAMPER, Daffynitions, Analogies, Wuzzles, and Oughtographs – are open-ended and stimulate creative thinking.
Use the activities to . . .
• Reinforce basic language skills
• Emphasize creative and critical thinking
• Support higher level thinking
• Actively engage student learners
• Strengthen problem solving skills

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