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The NEW RtI: Response to Intelligence advocates for gifted children while supporting the concept that all children on the learning continuum grow and continue to learn. RtI is not just for those who struggle but also for those who demonstrate the capacity for excelling, going beyond the norm.
Supported by their 50+ combined years of commitment to gifted education, author and consultant Penny Choice and co-author Dr. Sally Walker, Executive Director for the Illinois Association for Gifted, turn the original RtI model on its side, create a mirror image, and place Tier 2 and Tier 3 students on a continuum, finally providing for ALL students in the classroom – including gifted students. This NEW movement is then, in fact, a Response to INTELLIGENCE. APA formatted for college courses and professional libraries. A Must for Every Educator’s Resource Shelf!
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“The NEW RtI: Response to Intelligence by Penny Choice and Sally Walker is a highly innovative solution to the ongoing problem of how to educate the most underachieving student in American classrooms today—the gifted child. Like so many government initiatives before it, “Response to Intervention” (RtI) aims to close the achievement gap and ensure appropriate education for all students. However, as this book persuasively demonstrates, for the over 3 million highly able students attending schools in this country, RtI fails to stop the continued squandering of their talent and ability. Most significant for classroom teachers is the book’s inclusive and very ingenious model—Response to Intelligence—which expands organically from RtI’s design and extends its reach to students on both ends of the ability spectrum. The usefulness of this model becomes vividly clear through the authors’ succinct instructions, as well as the many wonderful examples and visual aids they provide to help teachers respond to the unique needs of the gifted learners in their classrooms.” – Joan Smutny