Primary Education Thinking Skills (P.E.T.S.™) 3 Updated

(3 customer reviews)


923 in stock


by Nichols, Thomson, Wolfe, and Pieces of Learning Staff Development Presenter Dodie Merritt

See more videos, webinars, and loads of other information about the PETS Series at

Now Includes the Entire book (as a .pdf) and NEW Management Forms! (Using a download code.)

In Primary Education Thinking Skills 3 the characters continue to blend their thinking skills in a problem-solving format as in PETS 2. More complex problems in logic, invention, visual perception, and evaluation develop these thinking strategies more fully in the young learner through stories and whole class games and activities. Small group follow-up lessons provide additional activities. These small group lessons stimulate students with high-interest, challenging activities, more intensive thinking games, and a variety of hands-on puzzles to solve. Detailed lesson plans are provided for the whole class and small group lessons.

I am the gifted resource teacher at a PK-6th grade school. For the last 4 years I have been using “Primary Education Thinking Skills” with all of the first grade classes on a regular basis. I go into each of the classrooms weekly with new lessons from PETS. The teachers stay in the classroom and use this time to observe their own students. Teachers and parents love the skills taught by these fun loving characters. The students often make comments throughout the week such as “You mean to think like Dudley?”! I use PETS books 2 and 3 in the resource class with the gifted students!…
–R. Hill, Alabama

See videos on the P.E.T.S. Series at


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3 reviews for Primary Education Thinking Skills (P.E.T.S.™) 3 Updated

  1. Loyal Customer

    “I have used PETS (third year) and have never had a lesson that the kids didn’t enjoy. They almost always ask if we can do more…very user-friendly. Nice to have a compilation of these activities in an organized, published form. Activities are fun! Kids love them. Flexible!”
    -Workshop participant, Wright State University, October 2001

  2. Loyal Customer

    “PETS™ 3 is my curriculum for 4th grade GT pullout. I love the way the Evaluative section has the criteria grid that feeds right into my Future Problem Solving Program for 5th – 9th graders.”
    -Deb Slothower, IL

  3. Loyal Customer

    “PETS™ is the most outstanding curriculum I’ve found on the market to date to familiarize students with thinking skills and problem solving processes commonly associated with gifted curriculum. Though it appears to have been designed to assist in identifying potential GT students in the classroom, it can and has been used effectively in an existing GT program. The curriculum introduces strategies, processes and skills used in GT programs in a most novel, comprehensive, engaging, meaningful way. Students respond with delight, enthusiasm, and clarity of understanding. In my 30+ years of working in gifted education, I’ve not found any commercial product more helpful, teacher friendly, kid friendly, thorough, effective, and beneficial as the PETS™ materials. Hats off to its creators!”
    -Nancy Stiles, Carson City NV, 2009

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