Using Technology in the Intermediate Classroom – Language Arts


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How do teachers use technology to enhance engagement and learning?

There are so many different types of technology and the field is growing and changing rapidly. Depending on the purpose, some types of technology will be more useful and a better ‘fit’ for your students than others. The purpose may be to introduce a unit as a hook, or as part of the learning experience to move learning forward, as a formative assessment, or in a final/summative assessment. Keeping your learning goals in mind will help you focus on the type of technology best suited for your lessons.

Teaching needs to include different methods of presenting information and engaging learners. Choosing the best way to engage students in learning should definitely include technology at least some of the time. Overusing or using technology that doesn’t fit the learning can detract, so carefully examining the goals and the desired outcomes are crucial.

Types of technology explored within these lessons:
• Word Clouds
• Minute by Minute
• Interactives
• Learning Management Systems
• WebQuests
• PowerPoints, Prezis, and other presentation tools
• Mind Maps
• Google Docs/Drive
And more!

Sample Pages
how to use this book.pdf


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