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A blog post from Educavation on Yahoo! Shine about SAT Preparation that Works
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- The vocabulary units easily lend themselves to both a home and a classroom experience. The poems can be read aloud by an adult, read individually silently or aloud by a child/student, or as classroom readers’ theater to then be followed by completion of the activities for each unit either individually, in partners, or in small groups.
This Word Booster consists of 18 chapters. It includes most commonly used SAT words and definitions garnered from Burchers’ The Unofficial SAT Word Dictionary; Kaplan’s SAT Score-Raising Dictionary; Carnevale’s Hot Words for the SAT; The Oxford Thesaurus, American Edition; Barron's SAT, and The Concise Oxford Dictionary.
Words were chosen for their frequency of use, the importance of possessing the knowledge of these words for presentation of oneself as a well-educated person, as well as the short-range goal of excelling on standardized tests for college and graduate schools. The author, Toby Luria, is a Cornell University graduate in Child Development and Family Relations and spent many years as a test coordinator and administrator for the Educational Testing Service. She brings the wisdom of her successful direct experience to the composition of this resource.
The words selected were challenging, yet not beyond a child’s development. Words with abstract definitions, or ones that have unclear meaning, were eliminated. An effort was made to include frequently-used words. Idiomatic expressions were also included to familiarize children with the meaning of words used in unexpected ways but that are part of our culture.
These poems incorporate all words for a particular letter within a fascinating story. Each story is intended to contribute the added benefit of addressing the proper development of personal attitudes—each one covers a personality ―quirk.‖ Issues include greed, pollution, egoism, fear of change, fear of growing up, bullying, overwork, overindulgence, work ethics etc.
The exercises are varied, with the intent of incorporating the higher learning aspects of Bloom’s Taxonomy; are tailored to accommodate all types of learners; and build all aspects of critical thinking.
While not the objective, because of the comprehensive inclusion of words, these are the building blocks for success on entrance exams for educational institutions. The units are geared toward junior high through high school students, and they are also for parents as an educational tool to build the vocabulary of younger children.
There is too much to include here in the description – download the six page Introduction Here to read all about this great tool!
There is a full year’s worth of poetry and activities. These poems incorporate all words for a particular letter within a fascinating story. Each story/poem is intended to contribute to the development of personal attitudes. Issues include greed, pollution, egoism, fear of change, fear of growing up, bullying, overwork, overindulgence, and work ethics.
All poems and activities are in PDF format ready to print.
Click here to find out more as you download the Letter A to use in your class!
Sample Pages
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If you are looking to increase your kids’ vocabulary so that they will sound more educated, and perhaps improve their SAT/ACT scores, try to find a fun way to do it. The old-fashioned method of dry memorization was not the best method of learning new material, but the brain embraces new ideas when they are presented in an enjoyable way.
The three top vocabulary builders below take a new approach to learning. They are an absolute essential for any parents wanting to give their children that “leg up” on standardized tests and in their presentation to any future employer.
1. “Vocabulary That Matters: An SAT Booster” by Toby Luria, published by Pieces of Learning:
This is truly a comprehensive source for students who wish to increase their vocabulary either for a test such as the SAT or GRE, or in order to come across as a well-educated person. This CD set contains over 1,500 words, and a sample is available for free download. The author’s rhyming poems incorporates words into the poems, letter by letter with a story line that draws you in. The words in the poems are clearly defined and highlighted so that the answers to the critical-thinking activities that follow each poem are readily found. The activities present another example of the real use of the word so that students can attain full understanding while they are challenged to demonstrate their own knowledge of the words.
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