Words – on radio, TV, computers, cereal boxes, signs, and billboards – but do primary students understand all their meanings? In addition to phonics and sight drills, teach primary children to use creative patterns to comprehend and respond to words in their non-fiction environment. When language is sung or chanted, most children will begin using the language for reading and writing after three to five exposures.
Thus Nancy Polette offers primary students creative product patterns for research – poetry, stories, and songs – by providing the teacher with a whole group transparency master and a student reproducible page for each pattern. Student research is based on non-fiction topics about animals, nature, people, and places.
By reproducing the pattern using the researched information, students not only comprehend the information, but create products that are not suitable for simply copying information.
Sample Pages
Donna Koepke –
This is a good book that will help students learn to do research without copying information directly from a book or from a website. The book is full of reproducible page that will help students answer questions while reading nonfiction without copying. It is a good book to develop this very important practice.