Guest Post from Rae Harris & Elizabeth Duncan

Has Coronavirus elevated you to the status of a brand-new home-school teacher? We can help!

Explorations in Science and Explorations in Social Studies are collections of independent literacy-based projects for 3rd through 6th graders.  Each book has at least 30 two-page Explorations that guide students in investigating a variety of interesting curriculum topics tied to national standards.  Designed to be completed independently or with partners, each Exploration includes “Steps to Success” that guide students from start to finish.

We are veteran teachers and curriculum specialists who developed these projects for use with our own students in Denver Public Schools. We know these projects will be fun and engaging and enable your children to keep up with their learning during this difficult time.

The books are inexpensive ($14.95) and available through:

Pieces of Learning (hard copy or downloadable):

Explorations in Science

Explorations in Science: Independent Literacy Projects for Gifted and High Ability Students

Explorations in Social Studies

Explorations in Social Studies: Independent Literacy Projects for Gifted and High Ability Students


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