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Coil presents the most comprehensive, practical resource you will need to successfully implement the concept of differentiation in your classroom. Following a brief overview of the components and a teacher self – assessment awareness checklist, are chapters with reproducibles, forms, and practical examples for administrators, teachers, students, and parents:
- Flexible Grouping
- Curriculum Compacting
- Independent/Individualized Work – learning centers, resident experts, contracting, anchoring activities
- Learning Profiles
- Product Differentiation
- Strategies: ILP™, Tic-Tac-Toe, Tiering, Encounter Lessons, Technology, Mentors, Mini-classes, Literature circles, Questivities™
- Differentiated Assessment – rubrics, criteria cards, tiering
- Special Groups
- Special Needs
- District and Schoolwide Planning
Use this resource in the school and college classroom, with professional learning communities, as a study group resource, and in staff development workshops. The CD includes customizable WORD files of forms and handouts for teacher and student. Written by Carolyn Coil.
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